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NYC Subway Guide

Aquick guide to the MTA Subway system. The NYC subway is generally the quickest, most efficient and cheapest way to get around Manhattan and to your next NYC Photo Safari workshop. For the visitor it can feel intimidating and daunting. This NYC subway guide will help get you acquainted with the MTA system before you arrive, so you'll feel more comfortable and confident using the New York City subway.

Useful facts. A subway train can be up to 2 city blocks long and may have multiple entrances. Some entrances will have a green light at the entrance while others a red light. The green light indicates that the entrance is open all times and will likely have an attendant available. Red light entrances will be open limited hours (usually daytime hours) and will not have an attendant nearby and will not likely have machine for purchasing tickets (more on that later). The red light may also be an exit only - in other words you take your chances using a red light access point. The subway system runs 24/7 but not all entrances are open 24/7.

Local Terminology. Although the NYC subway system may run above ground in some places New Yorkers still refer to it as the "subway". Many New Yorkers also refer to the subway as "the train". Please keep in mind that the Long Island Railroad (aka LIRR) is also "a train" but never known as the "subway"; and New Yorkers don't tend to refer to it as "the train" but rather the L-I-R-R. If you are asking for directions and are unsure what "train" they are referring to, ask for clarification! There is also a subway system which services New Jersey; known as the PATH train, it's operated by New Jersey Transit and does connect into Manhattan. But no one will be referring to the LIRR or Path unless you are heading to NJ or Long Island. When you enter the subway station with a manned booth you may ask the attendant for a free subway map. They may also have free MTA bus maps (these can sometimes be found on the bus as well). There is also a map of the entire NYC subway system and a street map for local area on a wall near the exit (usually closest to the attendant booth). Use this to orient yourself before you get on the street.

Buying a Subway Ticket. There are two ways to buy a subway ticket. You can now simply touch your credit card on the glass reader at the turnstile in every subway station. When you do so you are paying for one ride ($2.90) which includes transfers to buses. You may also purchase a subway ticket with cash or credit card at a machine in most stations. Some machines will take both others will only take credit cards. Be aware that that no machine will dispense more than $6 in change. In other words, if you are purchasing a $10 card with a $20 bill you will not be able to do it. If you are paying with a credit card you will be asked to enter your zip code. If you do not have a US zip code enter 11111. (the ENTER button is on the number pad to the right of the zero button, designated by "ENT").

There are 3 different types of cards available for purchase. If you only want to use the subway once, a single ride to ticket will do - but why not just tap your credit card? At the time of this writing a single ride ticket is $3; please note that you will have two hours to enter the system with a single ride ticket. This does not mean that you can swipe it repeatedly for 2 hours. You may also purchase a pay as you go card. Which means that you may load it with as much money as you like and each time you swipe the card, $2.90 will be deducted, but again, why not just use your credit card? Lastly, you may purchase an unlimited use ticket. The minimum unlimited use ticket is one week ($34). Both unlimited and regular card cost $1 for the card alone and may be reloaded with more time or money as needed. Please note that unlimited does not actually mean unlimited. You may only swipe the card once every 18 minutes. In other words, if you mistakenly swipe your card successfully you may not swipe again for 18 minutes. This helps to deter multiple riders using one pass. However you may swipe your card and then use it on a bus or vice versa without waiting. If you are using a single ride or a pay as you go card, you may transfer to a bus or vice versa within 2 hours you will not be charged again. This is considered a transfer. You may also swipe up to 4 people at a time on these cards.

What about OMNY? OMNY is what the MTA is calling their touch and go system. When you use your credit card, Apple pay, Google pay or the official OMNY card you are using OMNY. If you use any single payment device/card for 12 trips in 7 consecutive days, additional rides during those 7 days will be free. If you are swiping more than one person at a time it will not count towards your 12 trips. OMNY cards are available at CVS, 7-eleven etc. and you can purchase them pre-loaded with money. But again, why not just use a credit card?

When swiping the card at a turnstile you must not swipe too slowly or too swiftly. If you do, the reader will not recognize your card, try again. Generally, if you are using a pay as you go card you should not change turnstiles if you get a "swipe again" message, the machine has already taken a fare and if you change turnstiles it will take another. If you have an unlimited use pass you may try again at another turnstile if you are having trouble.

Entering the Subway System. After you pass through the turnstile the fun begins. Once in, you may ride the system as long as you like, without having to pay more as long as you do not cross out of a turnstile. However there are a few exceptions. If you surface from the subway system and swipe your card within 2 hours of the initial swipe at a designated transfer point, you will not be charged another fare. The card reader will recognize that you are transferring. You may also transfer from the subway to a bus within 2 hours of swiping your card at no additional cost. If you have been riding underground for 2 hours it is not likely that you will be able to exit and get on a bus with the same fare. Obviously, this will not matter if you have an unlimited use pass.

Which subway train to choose? To better understand the New York City subway system you must also understand how Manhattan is organized. Most of Manhattan is divided into a grid system. The streets run East and West (1st Street is in lower Manhattan while 215st is at the north end); the Avenues run North and South (1st Ave is on the east side to 12th Ave is on the west side). Trains heading "Uptown" are trains heading north to the higher number streets, while downtown trains are going south towards lower numbered streets. Everything North of 59th Street (aka Central Park South) is considered Uptown. Everything between 1st Street and 59th is Midtown. Everything south of 1st Street is Downtown. In other words, if you are at the Museum of Natural History (81st St. & Central Park West) and want to get to Times Square, you would need a downtown train.

How will you know which train is which? The signs of course. As you enter the station from the street the entrance will have a sign letting you know which train lines are available and in which direction the train is running. If a direction is not designated then the entrance will give you access to trains running in both directions. If the sign says "via passageway" it means that you will have access via underground tunnels. In this case it may be easier to stay above ground and enter via the street entrance closest to your actual train. Once underground look for signs for the direction you want to go in. On the platform, double check the signs above the track to make sure that you will be heading in the right direction. Very often one track may serve different train lines, but never different directions (unless there is MAJOR construction). A platform may have two sides, with one side heading Uptown while the other heads Downtown. As the train enters the station take note of the designation at the front and side of the train; unfortunately the direction designation of the train can be wrong, so do check the signs in the station.

Express & Local trains. Express trains make limited stops while local trains make all stops. Late at night almost all express trains will run local making all stops. To tell the difference look at a map. If you look at 86th Street stop on the Green line on the east side you will notice that it has a white dot while other stops have black dots. This means it is an express stop. Next to the white dot you will see the numbers 4,5,6; this means that all three trains will stop there. However, the stop just before and after are black dots and only have the number 6 next to them. In this case only the #6 train will stop while the 4&5 trains will go past. Having said this, be aware that late at night and on the weekends express trains may run local and local trains may run express or sometimes a train will change to a different track all together! Pay attention to the signs in the subway announcing the changes and listen for announcements on the train. And if it's confusing ask someone for help! One change which seems to catch many off guard is when the E train runs on the F line which means you can't get to the World Trade Center via the E!

Frequency & Problems. Most trains run about every 7-10 minutes. Some trains servicing the outer boroughs may take as much as 15 minutes to arrive. If you arrive on a platform that is empty it means that a train has just left the station. If you wait more than 10 or 12 minutes and you are still the only one standing there, start looking for signs. Often when this is the case it means that a train is not coming and you did not miss one. On the other hand, if you arrive and the platform is completely crowded there is a problem. Ask someone who looks a little bit unhappy how long they've been waiting. If it has been more than 15 minutes there is a problem, and you may want to consider a taxi. If a train arrives during rush hour and all the cars are full except for one. Don't get on the empty train! In the summer it means that there is no air conditioning! Or it may mean that there is something very smelly on that car! The locals know best.

ADA Accessible Stations. The NYC subway system was built over 100 years ago when those with physical challenges were left to fend for themselves. Although the city has made significant improvements over the past few years to make public transit more accessible, it is far from perfect. At this time only about 20% of subway stations are equipped with elevators or other wheelchair accessible options. If you are in need of wheelchair access, the bus may be best. You can find wheelchair accessible stations at this website:

Although this may all sound intimidating and difficult, it really isn't once you've tried it. Enjoy and on behalf of all New Yorkers thank you for using the subway! It's green, economical and efficient.

Click to download NYC Subway Map PDF

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Iconic NY (P1): @9:30am
Iconic NY (P2): @1:30pm
Central Park: @9:30am

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